On November 22, 2018, The London School of Public Relations-Jakarta (LSPR-Jakarta) held Career Fair at the canteen area, Campus B. LSPR-Jakarta invited many partner companies such as KEB Hana, BCA, Bank Mega, CTI, Luxuvere, Publicis One, Swa, blibli.com, MuM, Jaco, SUN Education, and Nobu Bank, etc.

Miss Candy Gave Her Speech to Open Careers Fair
The Career Fair was organized by Careers and Employability Center at LSPR-Jakarta. The main mission was to provide LSPR-Jakarta alumni and students to find jobs. Similarly, this event helps leading companies to find new qualified and skilled employees. Furthermore, job enthusiasts had a chance to have a discussion with companies’ representatives in the interview room.

Plaque appreciation was given to corporate partner who participate this careers fair
Besides the Career Fair, on the same day, a Career Clinic was held by Ms. Marvie Samala – Senior Vice President Lifestyle category of Blibli.com . She explained the current situation of the e-commerce industry. Furthermore, she explained key points how to lead at the competitive market.

LSPR Student at Careers Fair