Bekasi – The 23-2TP class performed their theatre titled “Fire Heart” for The 24th Theatre Festival in The Amani Palladium Theatre, LSPR Transpark, Bekasi. On Tuesday, 24 January 2020, The theatre production was guided by Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.si, M.M as Intro to Performing Art Communication lecturer, and Ms. Geta Gwyneth Satrio as assistant lecturer.

King and Queen lost their baby
Fire Heart started with the king and queen, who lives in a kingdom called the Fallenhall Kingdom. The monarch is grieving because of the king and queen lost their baby. They command the huntsmen to look for their baby. The two huntsmen, Adrew and Ferris, promised they will bring their daughter back.

Lennox and Fairy Friends
After several years, in the mysterious Enchanted Forest, there’s a girl who lived there for 17 years. Lennox is grieving because of the death of her uncle, right before her 18 birthday. Her fairy friends, Trina, Savana, Fara, and Lorien is there to support here. From there, Lennox found out about the souvenir her uncle kept all this time is not just a souvenir. It’s an ancient artifact with strong magic inside. With her arrow, Lennox determined to found another artifact that lost in the Enchanted Forest.

Adrew and Ferris from Fallenhal Kingdom
Some day, the two huntsmen wander off the Enchanted Forest when they found a cottage in the middle of the forest. Lennox and the fairies, who saw them, got suspicious and retained them. After interrogation, they let go of the huntsmen. Not long after, they become friends.

Lennox and Adrew
Lennox, who’s still suspicious and not letting her guard down towards Adrew, slowly softened. They talk, and that’s where Adrew realize Lennox is the lost princess of the kingdom. Adrew asks Lennox to come with him to the kingdom, but Lennox rejected him because all she has is the fairies. And she can’t leave her them.

Lennox and Fairy Friends
Adrew and Ferris come back to the kingdom and quickly got backfire. Adrew was held captive and about to be executed by the kingdom, since he didn’t bring the princess back. Ferris runs back to the Enchanted Forrest to warn Lennox about Adrew. Left with no choice, Lennox goes to the kingdom to save Adrew.

Lennox comeback to Fallenhall Kingdom
At first, the king and queen doubting that Lennox is their daughter. But, after showing her birthmark on her arm, her parents knew that it was their lost daughter. In the end, Adrew didn’t get executed, and Lennox can live in the kingdom with her parents and the fairies.
Article by Dianka
Photo by Syifa