Bekasi – The 24th LSPR Theatre Festival, in The Amani Palladium Theater, LSPR Transpark Juanda Bekasi, was opened by class 23-1TP on Monday, January 21, 2020, with their performance of “Wicked Heirs”. The production is an adaptation of Descendants. The students of 23-1A were guided by their Lecturer Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Si, M.M, and Assistant Lecturer Ms. Geta Gwyneth Satrio, for the subject Introduction to Performing Arts Communication.

Violet with Price Oliver from The Kingdom of Elysian
The main cast consisted of Viera Chas as Violet, Rahel Diandra Chairunnisa as Maddie, Rhemanuel Ardi Putra as Prince Oliver, Nichollas Farrell Iwidjaja as Max, and Garreth Noah as Jacob. Supporting cast were Zahra Ayu Witantri as Mary Anne the crime queen and also the mother of Violet, Khansa Sayristi Risman as Chole who is the fiancé of Prince Oliver, Olivia Risa Ekaputri as head of the palace, and Farisha Adisty Pancarani as the Queen.

Prince Oliver with Violet
This production is the story about Violet, Maddie, Jacob and Max who really wanted to leave the isolated island of Theron. They had spent their entire lives there, trapped, together with their parents who are villains. Then, they begin to experience new things and learn what love is, after meeting Prince Oliver and going to his kingdom. They begin to change. However, the reputation of their parents makes it difficult for people to accept them as they are.

Violet fights her mom Mary Anne who is villain
At the end of the story of Prince Oliver finally becomes king and Violet’s mother who is the villain was defeated. Violet and her friends are no longer wicked people but change to become good.

Prince Oliver become a King
The production was successful due to the hard work of Graciela Maragaretha the Production Manager, Agnes Christyanto the Administrator, Geniver Francis the Director, Sarah Salsabilla as the Assistant Director, and all of the set design team, choreographers and dancers, sound designers, lighting designers, marketing and publicity, make-up and wardrobe, stage team, and front of house team.
Article by Putri Syifa S
Photo by Dianka Rinya F