Jakarta, September 28,     2017  , Rotary     Club of     Jakarta’s     Menteng    worked   together     with     the London School     Centre for    Autism     Awareness    they   held a ”  Luncheon     Talk”     in     Prof. Dr.     Djajusman     Auditorium     and     Performance Hall  .     The event was held     with     the theme of ”  Winning     in the     Era of     Disruption  ”     by inviting     Prof.     Rhenald Kasali  ,     Ph.d.     as    the   main    speaker.

Special need children ft. LSPR Choirs performed Beatles’s song

The show     opened with a     performance     of     The Beatles,     (Special     need     children     ft.     LSPR   Choirs)     and continued with     a brief    discussion     about     Rotary Club  .     After that,     Prof.     Rhenald Kasali  ,     Ph.d,     conveyed      his thoughts     about     ”  Winning     in the     Era of Disruption  .”     He     says     ”  Disruption     is a     theory.     To     predict  .     ”  Because     past     data     were     irrelevant     to     predict     the future”  .”

Many audiences asked questions to Prof. Rhenald Khasali.


In addition, he     also presented      on ”  Balancing     the Three     Logic  ” that can be     useful in     managing a business     by taking     the concept     of     Tri     Murti  .     Brahma     (the creator – Founder ) with     new   creations.   Wis  nu     (Preserver  –  Manager)     with     the management     system  ;     the creation of     stable;     harmonious     life  ;     beauty,     and Siwa     (the     Destroyer     –     Leader  ) with   demolition    and displacement  .     Then  , the event     has     ended with a     question and answer session     and photo shoot      together. (Anita/Triesya)

Book signing by Prof. Rhenald Kasali, Ph. D