IDEAL (Asosiasi Pendidik Drama Indonesia) held “IDEAL-Dramakala Fest” on 22 – 24 February 2018 in Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall – LSPR Jakarta. This year’s Dramakala Festival also celebrates the 7 th anniversary of dramakala.

Groups of short drama showed their performance in Dramakala Festival 2018

One of the monolog competition scene

Dramakala’s editor-in-chief, Mr. Harris Priadie Bah said that, “the dramakala was originally a print media. Then it developed into a festival of short drama and monologue that became a medium for artists pppppto showed their work”.

Many various theater clubs in Indonesia joined short drama competition

Best Five Short Drama of Dramakala Festival 2018

“IDEAL – Dramakala Fest” brings two competitions: Short Drama competition and Monologue competition. A total of 20 participants of short drama and 15 monologue participants from various regions in Indonesia competed for the Prita Award and “IDEAL – Dramakala Award”.

Best Five Director of Dramakala Festival 2018

The participants who performed the show, judged by Arswendo Atmowiloto, Rudolf Puspa, and Yan Daryono. As for the short drama, judged by Harris Priadie Bah, Irwan Jamal, and Tatang RM. Hopefully IDEAL through dramakala can continue to be a medium and a place for art activists homeland.

Best Five Monologger of Dramakala Festival 2018

Congratulations to the winners of IDEAL Dramakala Festival 2018!

Best Short Drama: Theater GBB Banten

Best Actor: Hendri from Theater Think ID

Best Actress: Lia from Theater DNA

Best Director: Giri Mustika from Teater GBB Banten

Best Monologer: Novia Rossa – Jakarta
