On 8 June 2018, LSPR welcomed new students from Batch 22. With this regard, there was held an orientation for new coming students at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall.

Students were introduced to different existing departments located at LSPR. Mr. Alexander Mamby Aruan, an Associate Dean of Campus A, introduced and explained regulations, programs, management of Campus A. Ms. Sue Davis, the Head of English Division, explained rules and regulations of the English Division.

Mr. Alexander Mamby Aruan as Associate Dean of Campus A explained about activities in Campus A

Mrs. Sue Davis gave information about english division

Mrs. Ira T. Bintarto explained the rules of the Student Guidance Office; Mr. Tonton, the Representative of the IT Department, pointed out the emails and CMS that might be used by students. Mr. Dendy Muris was talking about the system of academic and student service at the LSPR.

Mrs. Ira T. Bintarto explained the rules of the SGO

In addition, students from Batch 22 also got an information related to LSPR United, NAP, student lifestyle and LSPR Club, and the information about activities under the international studies program.

Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari as Deputy Director III explained about Student League

In the end, students received ID Card and a Jacket Alma mater that officially means that they became students of the LSPR Batch 22. (Anita)