Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis (KMB) Pramudita LSPR organized a religious celebration of Vesak Day on Saturday, 9 June 2018. This event was held at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall, LSPR – Jakarta.
Anthems such as Indonesia Raya, LSPR Anthem, and KMB Anthem opened the ceremony of celebration. Mrs. Meilisa Permata Sari, Mrs. Mellyani Surya, Chairman of KMB, Ms. Patricia Vicky Sihombing, Club Coordinator Communities, and Mr. Taufan Teguh Akbari, Deputy Director III LSPR – Jakarta gave an opening speech about the importance and significance of the event. Additionally, LSPR has invited Bhikkhu Saddhanyano MT and Bhiksu Bhadra Pala as speakers to deliver their knowledge on Dhamma Talk.
The celebration of Vesakh KMB Pramudita LSPR 2018 has been dedicated to such discussion as “Be the Lantern in Life through Compassion”. In this regard, people lighted up candles at the end of the event. (Anita)