The Ministry of research, technology, and higher education through Cooperation and communication Agency Public meeting Coordination PR of State Universities 2017 which held on 27-29 in July 2017 at the Novotel Hotel Airport International Ngurah Rai airport, Bali. The public relations coordination meeting of 2017 was opened by the Head of Bureau of Cooperation and Public Communication, Mrs. Nada Marsudi. This event was also attended by 120 participants from state universities and Kopertis throughout Indonesia.
Mrs. Nada said, The Government’s own attention to public relations in recent years has increased significantly. In 2015, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Instruction No.9 of 2015 which mandates all Ministries / Agencies to actively convey program information And Government policies to the public through various channels of communication appropriately, quickly, objectively, qualified, national and easy to understand, because build relationships between institutions of the state universities is very important.
Mrs Prita Kemal Gani, Founder & Director of LSPR – Jakarta, was also present as the main speaker with the theme “Strengthening Public Relation of State Universities in Improving Positive Public Perception” on Friday 28th July 2017. Not only Mrs. Prita, there is also other speaker; Mr. Heri Rakhmadi, Mrs. Emilia Basar and moderated by Mrs. Erna Kartika Sari.
Mrs. Prita explained that as an organization that runs Tri Dharma activities (Education, Research, and Community Service) colleges must get support from stakeholders through PR communication activities. PR Communications activities can be done through various media, among others; Internal newsletters, Family Gathering, meeting coordination, competition, outing, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and awarding.
With this forum it is expected to improve the synergy and coordination of all Public Relation of state universities and Kopertis with Public Relations in the Ministry either for the function of public relations that exist in each institution runs more optimal. (Nurul)