This programme is available with the following sub concentrations:

•Broadcast Journalism

In this concentration, we  build expertise in TV, Radio and Online Journalism, focusing on developing  the skills of our students and increasing knowledge of Multiplatform Broadcast Journalism. Students will learn how to become an effective professionally qualified multi-platform journalist. They will also learn about the fascinating practice and theory of journalism. Video and photography will be integrated throughout the course, and taught alongside the traditional principles of journalism and its ethics. It is designed for students who want to study a fascinating subject area and graduate with industry recognized qualifications to give them the best chance of getting a job within the industry straightaway because of hands-on learning experiences acquired during the study of the course.

• Digital Film Making & Photography

Students will gain the right balance of business knowledge and media skills to establish careers in the media industry. Students will recieve hands-on learning in the production of TV shows, manage the on-campus LSPRTV and publish their own student magazine. Students will also get to work on exciting, high-profile industry projects with partners such as NYFA, Trans TV, CNN, CNBC and Bloomberg TV. They will work together with “New York Film Academy” which has over 25 years of experience in film and has built a reputation as one of the premier hands-on film and acting schools in the world. With NYFA’s innovative hands-on approach to teaching, students find themselves completely immersed in their course of study, surrounded by award-winning faculty and working with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The project-based curriculum is designed to reflect a real-world environment while encouraging students to explore their own creativity and passions.