Jakarta – LSPR Smart Village conducted an online seminar published on the LSPR Jakarta YouTube channel, on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. The discussion was opened by Ms. Rani Chandra Oktaviani, M.Si as Head of Community Service, LSPR Communication and Business Institute. She said that an Education college has a Tri Dharma role namely teaching, research publications, and community service.
One aspect of the Tri Dharma of Education College that can be felt by a wide audience are Community Service activities. LSPR Communication and Business Institute realizes the importance of carrying out community service to provide solutions based on academic studies or needs, challenges, and problems faced by the community, both directly and indirectly. She said, “Empowering society in all strata groups, economically, politically, socially, culturally, technology transfer society, science, and art to the community for the development of human dignity, gender justice, social inclusion, and preservation of resources is important”.
LSPR Communication and Business Institute plays an active role in encouraging lecturers to carry out community service on an ongoing basis, as a form of science development and its application in society. Not only lecturers, collaboration and synergy with students and education staff has become an integral part of the implementation of community service at LSPR Communication and Business Institute.
One concrete example of a form of community service involving lecturers, students, and education staff at LSPR Institute of Communication and Business is to create a Smart Village program on Sebesi Island, Tejang Village, South Lampung. Smart Village is how LSPR Institute of Communication and Business helps the village to be technology, information and communication friendly, as well as with business empowerment in microeconomic coverage.
Furthermore, Mr. Muhamad Hidayat, the Manager of Social & Sports Activities of LSPR, explained the Smart Village LSPR Program developed by students and initiated by students. “This program is a continuation of the LSPR Care for Education program. This event was postponed until an undetermined date due to the coronavirus pandemic that is currently happening”, he said.
LSPR Smart Village is one of the manifestations of student devotion to the community and as a form of student responsibility for the problems now faced by the community, especially rural areas, so it is necessary to ignite the fire of motivation and transmit positive energy. This activity aims to encourage rural children to do positive things for their respective regions.
In addition, LSPR Smart Village activities have the aim of devoting students to the community, in an effort to equalize Education, and to build reliable human resources. The benefits of the LSPR Smart Village are to build villages with intellectuals, build reliable human resources in the villages, and participate in the equal distribution of Education.
LSPR Smart Village has slogans namely, Dedication (sacrifice in the form of energy, thoughts, and time), Education (learning process to develop one’s potential), and Inspiration (establishing a vision and strong motivation in a person). This is in accordance with the Tri Dharma of Education College, which is transforming the function of science, developing knowledge through activities and applying it into people’s lives through community service activities.
LSPR Smart Village’s teaching methods are based on science, development of interests, talents, and character education. 10 Pillars owned by LSPR have also become the foundation for developing activities carried out by LSPR students. Targets of this Program are elementary school students, junior high schools, senior high schools, youth organizations, women with family welfare empowerment or called Ibu – Ibu PKK, and village communities.
Selected participants in the LSPR Smart Village Activity will be 20 LSPR students and 5 representative lecturers to inspire when they serve. This activity was carried out on Sebesi Island, an island that is administratively located in the Rajabasa sub-district, South Lampung regency, Lampung province, “Because the location is also prone to disasters, we need to develop its human resources in order to be independent and prosperous. It is hoped that this activity can provide inspiration for the nation and state”, said Mr. Muhammad Hidayat at the end of the video.
Article by Putri Syifa
Photo source by YouTube channel – LSPR Jakarta
YouTube – LSPR Jakarta