Jakarta – KAMI LSPR, LSPR Alumni Association held a Webinar Series talked about The Role of Public Relations Facing Crisis. The speakers are Ms. Ghassani, Herstanti (LSPR Alumni, Department Head of Government & External Relations PT. MRT Jakarta) and Mr. Syafiq Basri Assegaf, MA, MD, IAPR (LSPR Lecturer) moderated by Emilya Setyaningtyas (Head Communication Reputation Department LSPR). Crisis in Mandarin has a meaning, Danger and Opportunity. Public Relations practitioners have to do  good Crisis Management to handle the crisis. Therefore, Crisis will not become danger, but become an opportunity for the company to be better. Ms. Ghassani shared about how MRT’s strategic preparedness during covid – 19. The passengers of MRT in normal activity are 109.823 and decreasing during covid 19, the passengers become 4.134.

During covid 19, MRT operating hours become shorter, starting from 06.00 AM – 06.00 PM, they also put the limit only 60 passengers per train, and do not offer a single trip ticket. To prevent the spreading of coronavirus, MRT held Online campaign about #JakartaPastiBisa,  collaboration with brands to do webinar about healthy lifestyle, to do sport in home, culinary, and nutrition. Not only online campaign, they also held offline campaign about #JakartaPastiBisa, give a free mask and hand sanitizer to the MRT users and public. MRT has a focus key message, BERSIAP, Bersih Sehat, Aman, and Prima. (Clean, Healthy, Safety, and fit.)

Mr. Syafiq focused on the theory of crisis, and the study case. He mentioned how PR practitioners should be ready 24 hours to respond as fast as possible in social media, and to respond to the media. PR also  has to be truthful, if you are doing the mistake, you have to tell the truth. PR also has to do five stages in facing Crisis. PR have to detection, prevention – preparation, if can not be prevented, the crisis communication plan is the primary tool of preparedness, then containment, and do recovery (PR do efforts to return the organization to do a business as usual), and learning (PR can evaluate their performance before crisis, during crisis, and how the organization to prevent the same crisis will happen again).