Jakarta – Together, LSPR YDC, LSPR 4C, amd LSPR Cares are successfully held a webinar entitled : “Efek Kebijakan Social DistancingPada Aspek Kemanusiaan dan Lingkungan” on Friday, June 5th 2020 at 2pm via Google Meet. With Pinehas Danu Arvito, President of LSPR YDC as The Moderator, this webinar led by Mr. Satya Hangga Yudha Widya Putra, B.A. (Hons). MSc, Co-Founder IE2I, Ketua Bidang ESDM Rumah Mulenial, and Presiden Asosiasi Alumni MSU as The Keynote Speaker.

Webinar Participants

This webinar discussed the effectiveness from the application of PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) and Social Distancing in impact for Humanity aspect and Environment. It is recommended due to this time to reorganize and redesign the development governance, industry, transportation and energy so it will be more oriented to energy’ control and consumption.