Jakarta – Indonesia Drama Educators Association (IDEAL) held their 1st DALGONA (Dramakala Digital Workshop & Seminar) webinar series with the theme ‘Kreativitas Pekerja Seni di Masa Pandemik Covid-19’.

In this series of DALGONA webinar they invited one of Indonesia’s most famous violinist & LSPR Lecturer of ‘Performance Studies’, Ms. Maylaffayza Wiguna, S.Sn., S.Sn., M.Sn and young choreographer & LSPR Performing Arts Communication (PAC) student Batch 19, Bathara Saverigadi Dewandoro to share their experiences, tips and tricks to all participants. In addition, there are sharing sessions, and questions and answers that were also held for their webinar participants.

This webinar took place on Thursday, June 4th, 2020, at 16.30-17.30, followed by more than 120 people including arts enthusiast, artists, students from various universities, LSPR students from various departments, LSPR student candidates, lecturers and management of the LSPR Communication and Business Institute.

Ms. Karina, as the moderator also provided an opportunity for participants to interact directly with Ms. Maylaffayza and Bathara, so the webinar this time was very interactive. The participants gained a lot of knowledge especially in the music and dance industry during this pandemic situation. The next series DALGONA will invite resource persons who are experts in the arts. They have many experiences in theatre performance.