Jakarta – For this 4th webinar series, CACS invited LSPR Alumni and Lecturer who succeeded in building an Event Business and also in pioneering their new business in Food and Beverages. The speaker from Alumni is Mr. Calvin Gunawan who shared his experience in building an Event Business to 125 participants who joined this webinar.

The speaker from Alumni is Mr. Calvin Gunawan who shared his experience in building an Event Business

Conducted by Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis, also as the Lecturer and the Head of Undergraduate Programme in Communication Studies of LSPR who made this webinar more interesting. Both Mr. Mikhael and Mr. Calvin shared their experience in handling events. Especially Mr. Calvin talked about how he started his Event Business, from being a Master of Ceremony in some certain events, then he built his own event business and how he faces the challenges, and everything. He also talked about how he broadened his business to Food and Beverages. As LSPR Alumni, Mr. Calvin also gained so many experiences in LSPR before starting his own business. He encouraged the participants to start formulating how to achieve their dreams.