Jakarta, June 17, 2020 – Faculty of Business, Communication & Business Institute (LSPR) in collaboration with Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM) in Switzerland held a seminar through online media (webinar) on Friday, June 17, 2020. This activity was the second webinar of LSPR “Business Webinar Series” that will be held continuously by the Business Faculty until September 2020. The theme of the webinar this time is “Preparing for The New Normal in Tourism and Hospitality: Post Covid-19”. This webinar presents speakers from HIM namely Edouard Louapre and The Dean of Business Faculty, LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Alppy Valdez as Moderator.

This webinar presents speakers from HIM namely Edouard Louapre and The Dean of Business Faculty

The webinar event was hosted by the Assistant Head of Tourism Study Program Jati Paras Ayu as the event organizer, which was attended by approximately 100 participants from students and lecturers as well as practitioners from various universities and institutions in Indonesia and Switzerland. Edouard Louapre explained the current conditions in the tourism and hospitality sector where every country prohibits its citizens from traveling or vacationing. These conditions will create new behavior in the future, which focus on cleanliness and health. The form of marketing will change to digital and increasingly specific target markets. In addition, the maintenance of natural balance such as reduced pollution will be another focus.

Webinar participants

In the post covid period, the industrial sector such as Tourism and Hospitality had the biggest impact on the economy, the role of the government was very important in returning the conditions back to normal such as promoting tourism destinations as a whole and supporting local entrepreneurs involved in its sector. Alppy Valdez, concludes with a straightforward discussion that, the important thing in preparing the tourism and hospitality sector during the pandemic and after the pandemic is public awareness to support government initiatives in preparing the country to revived and return to normal, and certainly a changes in human behavior that prioritize cleanliness and safety are the main thing that will be our concern together.