Jakarta – On Tuesday, 21 July 2020, APRN held its Web Forum series 2 and talked about “Revisiting CSR and Sustainability in the Era of the New Normal”. As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps through the globe, everyone is hypothesizing what the “new normal” after the pandemic would look like. What we know is that the global economic crisis reaches unprecedented levels. Money is short, jobs are lost, and life is never the same again. Prosperity is moving further away. The millennium goals of eradicating poverty seem unlikely to meet the target. 20 years into the third millennium has been nothing but one crisis after another.  This time the Covid-19 pandemic is the mother of all global crises. So, is it relevant to talk about CSR and sustainability? Or shouldn’t we talk just about survival? Can we as communication professionals help get the world to rise up again? What role can we take and empower to make it happen?  To dive-in to those questions, the 2nd of its 3-part series PR Webforum tackled issues on CSR and business sustainability goals during this pandemic.  

Hamilton Dos Santos the Managing Director of ABERJE, the Brazilian Association for Business Communication

Tato Carbonaro shared his views on how to communicate and execute inspiring brands’ conversation

Speakers all the way from Sao Paulo-Brazil shared their insights on the overarching challenges of sustainability development that businesses, organizations and the government in Brazil is facing at this time.  Hamilton Dos Santos the Managing Director of ABERJE, the Brazilian Association for Business Communication, shared some best practices by companies and organizations, and how communications helps the people of Brazil fight poverty and protect their pristine and rich ecosystem.  Meanwhile, Tato Carbonaro who is also from Brazil has shared his views on how to communicate and execute inspiring brands’ conversation or dialogue to maintain loyalty and trust of the people that matter to the brands or the organizations.

Deputy Director of Public Relations of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxation, Ani Natalia Pinem

The virtual forum also featured the Deputy Director of Public Relations of Indonesia Directorate General of Taxation, Ani Natalia Pinem, sharing about the government’s efforts on reshaping its fiscal policies despite the government’s huge expenditures to fight the pandemic.  She also shared the new key narratives that the government aimed at maintaining public confidence and trust that the government is doing all it can to get the economy up and running again.

Ermiel Thabrani, M.Si as Moderator and Lecturer at LSPR Communication & Business Institute

Providing insights and perspectives on public relations and communication management in the “New Norm” is the purpose for ASEAN PR Network to organize a 3-part series Virtual Forum in July.  In cooperation with Global Alliance of PR and Communication Management (GA), the Webforum series-2 was held last 21st of July.  The forum was participated with audiences around the globe and the dynamic discussion was moderated by LSPR’s expert lecturer Ermiel Thabrani whose advocacy is in Circular Economy.