Jakarta – The Ministry of Communication Faculty, LSPR Communication and Business Institute, held the 4th webinar series on 15 July 2020. As the first webinar from Entrepreneur Business Communication major, this webinar raised the title, “Finding The Right Business Model in Pandemic Era”, with Mr. Joseph Eko Ongkowijoyo, the Co-founder of tot.aw, Lareia Jakarta, Mikirmulu and The Moffins as the guest speaker. This webinar was moderated by Iren Ayu Nindi, a student from Entrepreneurship Business Communication major.

All Webinar Participants
This webinar session was aimed to find ways on how a business can sustainably run in this pandemic era. According to Mr. Eko’s explanation, entrepreneur is a spiritual journey where there are a lot of ups and downs. Then he also shared his side of the story in establishing a business until it is today. Other than that, Mr. Eko shared about business ideas and advised approximately 81 participants to try combining things in doing business. Persistence and high-spirit to keep continuing doing so became the choice to not surrender easily.