Jakarta, 25 September 2020 – The Business Faculty of the LSPR Communication and Business Institute (IKB LSPR) together with the Indonesia Gastronomy Association are collaborating in organizing a webinar entitled “Gastronomy Series I: Coffee Diplomacy Indonesia” on Friday, September 25, 2020. This activity is the eighth webinar. from a series of LSPR Business Webinars organized by the Business Faculty (IKB LSPR). This webinar presents Dr. Kasan, as the Director General of National Export Development (PEN) of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, representing Mr. Jerry Sambuaga, Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E Djauhari Oratmangun as the Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia, Dr. Darmansjah Djumala as the Indonesian Ambassador to Austria and the United Nations in Vienna, Ir. Hj. Delima H. ​​Azhari Ms., Ph. D as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI), Prita Kemal Gani MBA., MCIPR., APR. as CEO and Founder of IKB LSPR, Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M as Head of Management Study Program at the Faculty of Business as well as the host of this event, and Dr. Sri Ulya Suskarwati S.E., M.Si. as Assistant Director of the Post Graduate Program and moderator in this event.

Dr. Darmansjah Djumala, the Indonesian Ambassador to Austria and the United Nations in Vienna as a speaker

The webinar was started with Ms. Yuliana as the host giving her speech as well as starting the event. Mrs. Yuliana then gave the opportunity to Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani to give a speech, where Ms. Prita Kemal Gani emphasized the importance for Indonesia to carry out and maximize coffee diplomacy in her speech.

HE. Djauhari Oratmangun explained that China is an ideal country as a coffee export partner and a potential market for Indonesian coffee businessmen

The webinar was continued and entered a presentation session by speakers guided by Dr. Sri Ulya as moderator. The first session hosted by Dr. Kasan emphasized the importance of coffee diplomacy as a strategy for developing exports to countries friendly to Indonesia. The second session hosted by HE. Djauhari Oratmangun explained that China is an ideal country as a coffee export partner and a potential market for Indonesian coffee businessmen.

Ir. Hj. Delima H. Azhari Ms., Ph. D, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) as speaker

The next session was delivered by Dr. Darmansjah Djumala explained that as one of the oldest coffee drinking countries in the world, Austria is very dependent on quality coffee beans and the pattern of coffee imports in Austria and other things that need attention. The last session was delivered by Mrs. Delima, explaining the current condition of coffee production in Indonesia, various problems that need to be resolved and the potential that needs to be maximized for old players and what can be taken by new players. The webinar was closed with a conducive question and answer session and virtual submission of placards as a token of gratitude by the moderator.