Jakarta, 23 January 2021 – Faculty of Business, LSPR Communication & Business Institute (LSPR) held a BizFest2021 event with the theme The Business Showcase through online media (webinar) on Saturday, 23 December 2021. BizFest2021 is a series of events from The Faculty of Business which aims to present business works, shows, and seminars created by the participants Entrepreneurship Business Communication student Batch 22 on the subject Creative & Innovation in Business and Hospitality Communication & MICE Batch 23 on the subject Food & Beverage Services. LSPR BizFest 2021 aims to train Entrepreneurship Students Business Communication and Hospitality Communication and MICE in implementing the knowledge they receive in learning activities. The topic of the Webinar itself is “Hack Growth Strategy For Culinary Business In Digital Platform “. This Virtual Talk Show also invited The owner of Xing Fu Bao Jakarta, Calvin Gunawan, was present as a speaker. As for the remarks from Asst. Head of Tourism Study Program LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Ms.Jati Paras Ayu, MM. Par, Inspirational speech by the Head of Undergraduate Program in Management LSPR Communication & Business Institute, Ms.Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M, and guided by Ratu Meutuah Hospitality Communication & MICE student. This event was attended by 86 participants, both from students and lecturers of LSPR and other institutions.

Ms. Jati Paras Ayu, Asst. Head of Tourism Study Program LSPR Communication & Business Institute

Jati Paras Ayu, opened her speech by saying that, at a glance, about BizFest 2021 is a series of events initiated by the Business Faculty to present works- Business works, showcases, and seminars made by Entrepreneurship majors Business Communication and Hospitality Communication & MICE. BizFest 2021 aims to train students – Entrepreneurship Business Communication and Hospitality Communication and MICE in applying the knowledge received in learning activities. Where, for Students in Entrepreneurship and Business Communication presented 3 Showcases last Friday, namely Showcase 1 (Zillenials Garage): by inviting Mr. Dzaky & Naufal Muhammad – owner Burgerchill & Amalia Tan (owner Kiddo.id), Showcase 2 (Voyage De La Mode): with invited Mr. Reza Bustami – Fashion & Lifestyle expert, and Showcase 3 (Wanderfood): by inviting Marcia Amandary – Brand and Creative at PHM Hotel. Whereas for Our Hospitality Communication and MICE students have organized an event virtually, namely “Virtual Launching Culinary Entrepreneur Award 2021” with the topic “Building Indonesian Culinary MSMEs”, which was held on Friday, December 4 2020 then, the second is the Bizfest 2021 event which will take place on January 23, 2021. The Hospitality Communication and MICE Department is separate from the words alone there is Hospitality which is an industry related to Hospitality, namely Food and Beverage and Culinary Industry. It can be said that the Food and Beverage industry is an industry that has never died because basically, humans need to eat and drink. Therefore, students / able to start a business or become part of the industry. Then for MICE, a fact that needs to be known where KEMENPAR says MICE is one of the pillars of the economy in Indonesia. Therefore, we have high hopes with the Bizfest event 2021 can produce competent and expert students in their fields.

Ms.Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, M.M, Head of Undergraduate Program in Management LSPR Communication & Business Institute

Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, quoting a book from Mr. Indra Utoyo about Hybrid Company Model, that digital is not just technology but a mindset or can be said to be the language of today’s millennial children digital is DNA. There are 3 things that can be applied in the culinary business through the digital platform is which Food Product Photos are tempting to describe the enjoyment of these foods. Because when the lifestyle changes from traditional to digital, our sense of taste changes to the sense of sight. Then the second is the Description or narrative of the food product, it can be said that consumers need to know the ingredients, what ingredients are contained in food or drinks or what is the history behind the product. Finally, build interaction through social media. Interaction through social media replaces how the food and beverage businesses used to meet in person at the business location it becomes food and drink in the respective consumer’s house, this makes changing the traditional interaction style to digital, namely through social media. Can be concluded, with a digital platform all things become easier, therefore make it a digital platform it’s not just technology but digital is a mindset.

Calvin Gunawan and Ratu Meutuah

Calvin Gunawan explained that the word “Xing Fu Bao” itself means “to carry happiness ”, this brand stood right at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Can be said, with a small initial capital of five million rupiah, Xing Fu Bao can sell 7000 bottles drinks per day and is able to cooperate with Indonesian Master Chefs. As for strategy business conducted primarily in the Culinary business on the Digital platform, namely market research which we have to know which market we will offer the product, then conduct a market test and ask for criticism and then suggestions so that the product being built becomes even better, the second must be innovative and able to see the existing trends, where we are now living on the digital era, everything is easy and anything can be accessed, such as marketing our products selling, we can market it through social media. The third is quality, always learning to be better to maintain the product quality of the business, looking for what could be the characteristics of our products with our competitors. Then last but not least, Business is a Mindset because if we believe in ourselves to move forward then we will succeed but if we are we believe in failure and fear that we will not succeed. However, these things will not happen when we do not stick to our commitments, we must understand very well the original purpose why we start a business, everything will feel easier to live with if we always stick to our commitments. The interesting message is that there’s no reason not to start a business, especially starting a business in the digital age. Failure is common, but rises from that failure should be implanted in the minds of the current generation.