Jakarta – On Friday, 19 February, LSPR in collaboration with KemenKes RI held a health webinar regarding COVID-19 Vaccination to educate students and civitas academica LSPR about the COVID-19 vaccine. This webinar invites Prof. DR.DR. Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, SPA (K), Head of the Indonesian Immunization of Technical Advisory Group (ITAGI) as speaker. She explained several points regarding vaccination.

Prof Sri explained about basic vaccination

Prof Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro explained the meaning of vaccines, that is substances that are deliberately made to stimulate the formation of immunity from certain diseases, so that they can prevent infection from certain diseases. The purpose of vaccination itself is to reduce disability, and death due to a disease that can be prevented by immunization.Currently, we are all facing a pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus and it has affected many sectors of life in the world. Therefore, many countries are competing and trying to create, and also distribute vaccines. In Indonesia itself, COVID-19 vaccination has been implemented for “important” people. Like the government, medical staff, teachers, and others but not for the public” said Prof Sri. She added, “Vaccination is needed to achieve Herd Immunity. The Indonesian government has been trying to target by August this year all people in this country can be already vaccinated”.

Prof Sri explained about the purpose of vaccination

Prof Sri conveyed her overall conclusions as the final point of her delivery. There are various platforms for COVID-19 vaccines, currently the one in Indonesia is the inactivated vaccine or the inactivated CoronaVac vaccine made by the Sinovac factory. This vaccine was given twice, with a distance of 14 days for 18-59 years old and 28 days for the elderly who have good immunity. CoronaVac vaccine (finished product) or COVID-19 vaccine (product of PT. Bio Farma) has safety, benefits and is of good quality (according to emergency use authorization from BPOM as well as halal and holy according to the MUI Fatwa). Moreover, the government is also working hard on the Merah Putih Vaccine made in Indonesia, but for the distribution and vaccination itself, estimates may only be made in the next year, 2022.

The webinar ended with a Q&A session about Covid-19 vaccination with Mrs. Sri Rezeki.


Article by: Audrey