Jakarta – On Wednesday, February 24, 2021. LSPR English Club (EC) held an internal webinar discussed about “international exam tactics”, together with Mr. Gerardo Maureira Ibacache as the speaker and lecturer in the English for Business Communication class. On this occasion Mr. Gerardo shared tips and tricks in preparing and facing various international exams with the variety of test forms, as well as the uses for various international exams.

Mr. Gerardo started by giving encouragement and how to prepare ourselves both academically and mentally for the exam, “We have to build a mentality to develop ourselves for the better” said Mr. Gerardo, Mr. Gerardo also analogizes the roller coaster as an example of how we can position ourselves to see from a different perspective, which will help in developing ourselves to become a better person.

Then Mr. Gerardo goes on to provide the analogy of “we are all gatekeepers of ourselves”, a gate that accepts positive things and minimizes negative things so as not to affect our own minds as much, and does not always associate us as an individual with negative things, Mr. Gerardo gives the term “self-curse” when someone often puts negative self-labels such as “I’m lazy, that’s just me, that’s just how the way I am.” Therefore, it is important to build a strong mentality as early as possible.

Mr. Gerardo explained about various types and forms of international exams

Then Mr. Gerardo continued with tips for facing international exams by describing the various types and forms of international exams such as the TOEFL, IELTS, and so on. He also goes on to discuss the parts of the exam that test the skills of a person taking the exam, such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. From the description, Mr. Gerardo explains what is tested on the exam, as well as tips and tricks that can be used to make it easier for people who take the test.

For example, to increase listening skills, one can increase the listening practice for the targeted language by listening to songs or watching in the language being studied so that the ear can become accustomed to a foreign language. For reading, a person can practice by reading more in a foreign language, be it reading news, novels, comics, and so on.

Mr. Gerardo also reminded everyone to always be careful when taking exams and not to rush in order to reduce errors that might occur because they did not read the instructions carefully beforehand.

Participants of this webinar


Article by: Mahira