LSPR Student League or better known in other Universities as the Student Executive Board (BEM) is an organization that is responsible for developing the potential skills and abilities of IKB LSPR students in non-academic fields. Overall, the LSPR Student League has a total of 28 clubs which are divided into four categories, namely LSPR Communities, LSPR Sports, LSPR Science and Media Center, and LSPR Arts. In carrying out its duties, LSPR Student League consists of 10 members consist of President, Vice President, General Secretary, Secretary, Head of Public Relations, Internal Public Relations (Sudirman Park Campus), Internal Public Relations (TransPark Campus), Public Relations External, Head of Design and Head of Multimedia. In addition to the duties of the position they have, each member is also responsible for being a People In Charge (PIC) to help LSPR Clubs.

Rio Alfando
(Presiden Student League 2020-2021)

Jeremy Zivanya
(Wakil Presiden Student League 2020-2021)

Regina Pertiwi
(Sekretaris Jenderal)

Elrica Alfreda

Irene Alexander
(Head of Public Relation)

Devi Clarisa
(Head of Design)

Epiphania Evangelistha
(Head of Multimedia)

David Filiolus Yonatan
(PR External)

Angelika Berliana
(PR Internal Sudirman Park)

Serene Baresta Jayapriadi
(PR Internal Transpark)