Jakarta – On Wednesday 8, July 2021 through the zoom online platform, the Ministry of Digital Media Communication and Advertising successfully held a Product Photography with Smartphone webinar. This webinar aims to educate how important is a photo product that could attract the consumer and how to create an attractive photo product. This webinar was led by Anzakyel as a moderator and was successfully attended by 116 participants, and Mr. Isdananto Oktianur M.A as a speaker and also a Photography Communication Lecturer in IKB LSPR. On this webinar the speaker also explained about photo products that could create awareness up until the purchase stage. Even only using a smartphone, we could also create high-quality photos with an eye for lighting and composition. And the editing process is also an important step, there are a few things to be a concern: hue & saturation, contrast, brightness, sharpness, and also curves. Mr. Isdananto also explained how important it is to have a tone for your photo product to be uploaded on social media.

Mr. Isdananto Oktianur M.A Lecturer of Photography Communication LSPR as a speaker

Mr. Isdananto explained his material

Photo session with all participants