Jakarta LSPR Communication and Business Institute Jakarta collaborated with Public University of Indonesia and Uluwatu Orchestra Fasilkom UI in Maraka Art Centre with theme ‘Melestarikan Budaya Indonesia lewat Kearifan lokal sebagai Modal Bangsa’ live streamed from youtube last Thursday, October 28th 2021. 

The speakers are Dr. R. Yugo K. Isal as the lecturer of  Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI, Dr. Yessy Gusman as senior actress and the lecturer of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, Tommy Christomy, Ph.D as the lecturer of Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya UI, Bagus A. Saputra as the film director of Sangkuriang Karsa Bersatu , Mikhael Yulius Cobis, M.Si, MM as Dekan of LSPR Communication and Business Institute, and Dr. Ngatawi Al Zastrouw as the company director of Makara Art Centre Budayawan UI. The hybrid talk show talked about a collaboration between LSPR and UI in the process of Sangkuriang Karsa Bersatu film production. 

The studio situation

Dr. Yessy explained that this film isn’t a story of magic, as in our childhood memories. This film is telling us about an awesome and taboo tragedy. The references were from some movies, one of them is the Cut Nyak Dien story. There was a scene when Teuku Umar is dead, Cut Nyak Dien was crawling to his dead body, there was only one white angle from the top, and according to her it’s related to the tragedy where Dayang Sumbi lost Tumang.


Article by Lahinah & Gretha