Jakarta – On Saturday, 23 February 2022, this Artful Webinar with the theme “Museum in the Hands of Young People” was held through the Zoom Meeting platform which was attended by several LSPR students and outside the LSPR campus. On this occasion the Guest Stars who were present were Adiva Cesha as Favorite Museum DKI Jakarta 2019 Ambassador, Lulu Azizah as Tour Guide for the Jakarta History Museum, Yang Hae Na as Movie Director ‘Sangkar Suminar’, Muhammad Harsya as Movie Producer ‘Mahkota’ and Michelle Andreas as MC & Moderator of this event.
Adiva Cesha explained how to become an Ambassador for DKI Jakarta’s Favorite Museum and at the beginning of the process she became interested in the field. One of the explanations for what museum ambassadors do is To Inform and To Educate (To inform or provide information and to educate). Then, Lulu Azizah as the Museum of Jakarta History Tour Guide who has worked there for 5 years. She told how to work as a tour guide and must be able to master two languages, Indonesian and English. Lulu Azizah is also a member of IPMI or what is known as the Indonesian Museum Guides Association.
Next, the film Sangkar Suminar and Mahkota was shown, Yang Hae Na & Muhammad Harsya explained how the process of making the film was and what messages were received when watching the film. The event ended with a Q&A session and an online group photo
Article by Lahinah