LSPRNewsOnline – On Friday, May 20, 2022, a collaboration between LSPR and TikTok was held in which there was a sharing session or webinar entitled ‘TikTok Shop Campus Roadshow 2022’. On this occasion, TikTok invited special Kol’s as speakers in this event, namely Louisse Carlett Family and Christin Var who are TikTok Creators on this TikTok application. This event was held Offline at LSPR Sudirman Park and Online via LSPR Youtube, TikTok Live and Zoom Meeting.
At the beginning of the session, the event was opened with the appearance of the LSPR Band and continued with Promotional Videos from LSPR Plaza and TikTok Shop. After the video was shown, the MC also explained what TikTok Shop is and how it works. Next , remarks from Mrs. Dr. (HC). Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR as CEO & Founder of the LSPR Communications Institute and giving TikTok a plaque as a token of appreciation for collaborating with LSPR.
Next, enter the core session, namely a sharing session with the invited Guest Stars, namely Louisse Carlett Family and Christin Var who told how they struggled to increase viewers and targets in a day on TikTok Shop and what achievements they had achieved. Followed by a Q&A session and ended with a photo session with the guest stars.