Sitta Izza Rosdaniah ST MSc PhD

Expert in:
Financial Communication in Business


Bachelor of Engineering – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) 1990 – 1995

Master of Science in Business Economics – University of Strathclyde UK 1999-2000

PhD in Economics – Australian National University 2015

Professional Experience

Planning officer – Head of Planning Section, Directorate General of State-owned Enterprises, Ministry of Finance, 1996-2000

Head of Restructuring and Privatisation Division, 2001-2007, Ministry of State-owned Enterprises

Commissioner, PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan dan Ratu Boko, 2012-2014

Director of Finance, Human Capital and General Affairs, PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP), 2014-2018

Head of Business Development, Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, 2019-2020

Coordinator of Economic Analysis & Industrial Sector, Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, 2021-2022

Coordinator of Public Relation, Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, 2023-

Publication / Research:
(2018).An evaluation of some key economic policies, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 54 (3), 279-306
(2023). Driving Blue Economy for Sustainable Development: A case of stakeholder collaboration platform development, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1198 (1), 012013 2
(2024). Influence factors on sustainable business models for renewable energy supply: Indonesian electricity industry, Cogent Business & Management 11 (1), 2293303
(2024). A Strategic Framework for Sustainable Business Model of Renewable Energy Service, Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18 (9), e06219-e06219
(2024). Formulation and selection of blue economy operational business strategy using Montecarlo Simulation and Multi Criteria Decision Making, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1298 (1), 012033
(2024). Cross-Country Comparison of Renewable Energy Governance and Market Structure: Based on Human Development Index and Ecological Footprint,
Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Management Science