Dr. Abdelrahman Ali Abdelrahman
- Expert in : Corporate communication, International Business Communication, political economy of mass media, communication studies, crisis communication, political communication
- Education :
- Doctorate degree in Communication Science from the Faculty of Communication Science, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia, 27 June 2016.
- Master of Arts in Communication Studies, Majoring in Corporate Communication, London School of Public Relations- Jakarta, Indonesia, 10 November 2010
- Professional Experience : Political analyst and communication expert for one of the diplomatic missions in Jakarta
- Publication/Research :
- NW Widyastuti, A Ali, R Winangsih, H Haila (2021). Community Empowerment and Social Media Models as Marketing Communication Innovations for Local Culinary Products in Serang, Indonesia. Joint proceedings of the 2nd and the 3rd International Conference on Food Security Innovation (ICFSI 2018-2019), pp 63-69. Atlantis Press
- Abdelrahman, A.A., Widyastuti, N.W., & Mulyana, D. (2020). Television democratization and the political awareness of voters in Indonesia. Plaridel Journal. Advance online publication. https/doi.org/10.52518/2021-07abwimu
- Ali. A, (2013). The Revolutionary Role of the New Media: the Arab Spring Experience, published in Sinar Mas, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Vol. 5 (2), 64-70.