A weekly news magazine, GATRA hold a PR Training for 35 participants from various institutions, such as PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, RS. Jantung Harapan Kita, Lembaga Sandi Negara, PALYJA, Jasa Marga, DKPP, Scholastic, Pemkakb Damasraya, Sumbar, and so on. With the theme of “Strengthening the Role and Functions of Public Relations in the Management of Public Opinion”, the event was held for two days on Wednesday and Thursday, 22 – 23 April 2015 09.00 am – 17.00 pm, at the Berlian Ballroom of Holiday Inn Bandung.

As an opening, the participants and speakers sing Indonesia Raya ceremoniously. Then continued the opening speeche by Mr Budiono Kartohadiprodjo, as CEO and Chief Editor PT. Era Media Informasi

Mr. Budiono Kartohadiprodjo as CEO and Chief Editor PT. Era Media Informasi give a plaque of appreciation to Mrs. Prita Kemal gani

Mr. Budiono Kartohadiprodjo as CEO and Chief Editor PT. Era Media Informasi give a plaque of appreciation to Mrs. Prita Kemal gani

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani had the opportunity to submit material on the first day, 22 April 2015 at 09:00 to 12:00, with the theme of “Making Role and Functions of Public Relations”, with the sub-theme: Public Relations and Problems, Planning Public Relations Work, Psychology Role of Public Relations, Public Relations and Protocol , as well as the code of Ethics of PR. The training was continued with the question and answer session from the participants. The best participants receive the book “Towards a Public Relations Professional Competency Standards” by (alm) Dr. Felix Jebarus and concludes with provision of appreciation by Mr. Budiono Kartohadiprodjo.