Polterheist is tells the story of Phyllis and Jim, a couple who lives in Ponocos, Pennsylvania were going to hold an event in their inn to help them for bankrupt, with the idea of inviting fake ghost for attaction. They invited a psyshic woman names Madame Zelda, the national chairperson of BOO, who was able to use her 6th sense to communicate with ghost. Madame  Zelda also invited an expert paranormal names Professor Lionel Specter.

Polterheist is tells the story of Phyllis and Jim, a couple who lives in Ponocos

Polterheist is tells the story of Phyllis and Jim, a couple who lives in Ponocos

Jim tried to become the fake ghost but he was failed. Unexpectedly, the real gosht came, and said that she died in the Inn and she also Jim’s Great Aunt. Her soul bound to an artifact which can be found by following a treasure map hidden in the Inn. Madame Zelda wanted to help her to release her soul, however after everbody know about the treasure map, everybody trying to find it too.

Madame Zelda will get voucher as the reward

Madame Zelda will get voucher as the reward

18-2A get interact with the audience by asking them to look for the map under their chair and Jeremiah Daniel as MC playing a guessing with audience. The one who can guess the murderer who kill Madame Zelda will get voucher as the reward.  Show at 20 August 2015 was closed with the emergence of Olivia.

Cast and Crew of Polterheist

Cast and Crew of Polterheist