Last Friday, 14 August 2015, The 4th LSPR PAC Festival & The 15th LSPR Theatre Festival Awarding & Closing Ceremony was held at the Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall Campus B LSPR.

Ibu Prita Kemal Gani delivered her speech to batch 18

Ibu Prita Kemal Gani delivered her speech to batch 18

The students received awards for nine categories and one extra category, they were: The Most Like Poster Design, The Best Set Design, The Best Make-Up & Costume, The Best Supporting Male Actor, The Best Supporting Female Actor, The Best Lead Female Actor, The Best Lead Male Actor, The Best Director, The Best Production.

This awarding ceremony was attended by Founder & Director of LSPR, Ibu Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR, Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers of Performing Art Communication’s subject and others LSPR’s management and staff.

Performance by FOUR

Performance by FOUR

The event began with Indonesia Raya song who was sung by LSPR students. Followed by a video slide show of each class as well as giving plaques of appreciation to four LSPR assistant lecturers: Indra Juanno, S.I.Kom, Karina Indah Septiani, S.I.Kom, Heru, S.I.Kom, and Fahad, S.I.Kom.

Flash Mob by Batch 18

Flash Mob by Batch 18

The audience was entertained by the LSPR students such as theater performances from PAC students batch 16 “MAMMA MIA” and from PAC students batch 17 “FOUR”. The last but not least, the event was closed by music performance from a DJ. Congratulations to all the winners!

These are the winners from each of categories:

1.      The Most Like Poster Design: GOODLE by 18-3A

2.      The Best Set Design : GOODLE by 18-3A

3.      The Best Make-Up & Costume : Jaka Tarub by 18-13A

4.      The Best Supporting Male : Giovansyah in Polterheist by 18-2A

5.      The Best Supporting Female : Nabila in Helen Keller by 18-15A

6.      The Best Lead Female Actor: Alya in Heathers by 18-1A

7.      The Best Lead Male Actor: Ardhabayu in The Dreamcatcher by 18-5A

8.      The Best Director : J by 18-14A

9.      The Best Production : Dorothy by 18-4A


All the winners of Theater Festival

All the winners of Theater Festival

Plus one extra category:

1.      The Most Compact Class: Polterheist by 18-2a