LSPR through it’s Career Centre held its monthly MOU Signing Ceremony for its Joint Partnership Programme this time with 8 new corporate partners from various industries in Indonesia. It was held last Tuesday, August 26, 2015, at Rafael Jolongbayan Room, the event was opened by the Head of Career Centre, Ms. Candy Hernandez and also presented to our guest the video profile of LSPR.
Companies that were present were; Mercure Jakarta Sabang Hotel, PT. Optical Partners, PT. Valmet, PT. Turangga Kertakencana, BigEvo Academy, PT. Anugrah Citra Rasa, Opus Management Indonesia, and Hotel Kristal, each representative also got a chance to present their company profile respectively. Followed by the main event, the JPP signing and giving plaque of appreciation to representatives of their respective companies.
This collaboration aims to make it easier for students to gain experience in the working world, either as interns or directly as a worker. It’s not only for active students, it also provides information for employment opportunities for LSPR alumni.