On Saturday, 27 September 2015 LSPR held another LSPR Open Day at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall. The event was packed with enthusiastic parents and prospective students from senior high school in Jakarta as it is open for public. The Open Day provides information for parents and students to learn more about LSPR Jakarta.
Mr. Kamal explained the steps on how a student must take to apply at LSPR, he also informed about the new campus which is LSPR Jatiwarna that will be ready in 2018. Five prospective students also got door prizes tuition fee discounts from LSPR.
The prospective students and parents had campus tour to see the facilities of LSPR and the showcase from LSPR clubs. Prospective students get to experience hands on TV production at LSPR TV Studio. (Nabila Khairunisa / Yolanda Nuraini & Aldo Giovani)