LSPR English Club held its annual event: Internal Competition of English Club (ICE) with the theme “exploring the exotic islands of Indonesia”. The competition was held to raise the desire of LSPR students to compete and showcase their English-speaking skills as well as their vocabulary. The event was held from Wednesday, 10 December till Friday, 11 December 2015, at room 12 – 15 of Campus C, LSPR Jakarta.

Mr Yoseph Wahyu as English Club Coordinator gave a plaque of appreciation to Mr Scott Bunton

Mr Yoseph Wahyu as English Club Coordinator gave a plaque of appreciation to Mr Scott Bunton

The annual event held competitions such as paper presentation, storytelling and scrabble. Each contestant is rewarded with 5 non-academic points and certificate along with prizes, contestants ranged from all batches, starting with batch 17 till batch 19, each contestant also had to go through rounds to get to the final round.

The winners of Paper Presentation's competition

The winners of Paper Presentation’s competition

Story-telling competition had Mr. Edward Jones and Ms. Vita Busyra as judges, while paper presentation competition had Mr. John Nicholas and Mr. Scott Bunton as the judges. Paper presentation was won by Jennifer, Septia and Nadilla, scrabble competition by Ines, Nandyra and Theo, storytelling was won by Ferdinand Andre, Ahmad and Anggie.

The judges, officers, and all of the participants of ICE II

The judges, officers, and all of the participants of ICE II

The event was closed with a speech by the Head of English Division, Mrs. Sue Davies along with prize-giveaway for each winner by Mr. Scott Bunton. (Nabila, Aradhia, & Aldo)