Storytelling is used by public relations as one way to reach the target audience. This is the topic discussed on Monday, January 11, 2016 titled PR Corner: PR & Storytelling in Prof. Dr Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall LSPR – Jakarta.
There are something different in PR Corner Live this time. There were two sessions,: first Session is Off Air, and the second one is On Air, and also there were four speakers. This session talk Speakers at the session for Off Air were the bloggers that Reh Atemalem Susanti and Dian Adi Prasetyo . In this session , many were told how to start a blog and how to improve it.
Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR with the co – host Ariel Brown and the speakers, Reh Antemalem Susanti (right) and Dian Adi Prasetyo (left)
Speakers at the session of On Air is Ainun Chomsun or better known as @ pasarsapi- Founder of Akademi Berbagi and Febriati Nadira as Head of Corporate Communication PT. Adaro Energy Tbk . this session, discussed the importance of storytelling in Public Relations and the most effectivestorytelling.
PR Corner Live is hosted by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR, APR and co-hosted by Ariel brown, starts from 6 pm until 9 pm. Enlivened by PR Corner band who sang a few songs. (Sabrina)