In Friday, January 22, 2016, class 19-10A showed their theater production titled “Among Friends and Clutted” tells a story about life experiences of 7 characters, Mellisa Koziol (Aulia Septianingrum), Joanne Klien (Natasha Merry), Ashley Gordin (Joelle Gabriella), Katherine Green (Kezia Bindabela), Trevor Stamos (Olav Kaurow), Icabad MacIntyre (Thalia Kinanti) and Bobby Templeton (Immanuel Alfin) when they were young, grown, and old.
At the first story told us a story about friendship. Friends that they had when they were still young and what they’ve become now. The second story, all the main characters told us about family. It was about little fights in their home, and different arguments about their life. They were not connected to each other, but they told a similar story.
The last story, the 7 main characters told about love. They have their own problems about love and told us how they solve those problems and learnt from their mistakes. The live value in the theater told us that live is not simply to carry forever, many problems are in it, but we can still solve it. (Risty / Citra)