Landfall Theatre presented by class 19-23A last Sunday, 31st of January 2015 at Prof. Dr Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall. Landfall is a modern-age fairy-tale about the North Star being tricked out of the sky and stumbling into a family’s life changing them forever. It is a heart-warming story about love, friendship, and how the world needs to work together to survive.

Opening speech by Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, M.Si

Opening speech by Ms. Renata Tirta Kurniawan, M.Si

The supernatural innocent on this occasion is the North Star (Gerardo Tanor), tricked down from the sky by the jealous sisters: Aeras (Pamela Imalalay), Nero (Aura Ramadhan) and Terra (Rachel Venya). North crashes to Earth in the form of a young teenage boy. Bereft of his memories and left for dead by the three sisters, he eventually awakens and makes his way to the house of a local wildlife ranger. Here, almost immediately, he becomes the source of conflict between one anguished man, his wife and his rapidly maturing daughter.

North, before he falls down to earth

North, before he falls down to earth

Mary's father, Paul, get angry with North because he was filrting with Mary

Mary’s father, Paul, get angry with North because he was filrting with Mary

Just like most supernaturals who fall to Earth, there comes a time when they must return to whatever celestial sphere they call home. North realises, with some emotional poignancy, why he must re-assume his responsibilities in the heavens, and the three elemental sisters learn the lesson that we all have to work together to stop things falling apart. (Yolanda)