Friday, February 12, 2016 LSPR Jakarta held its 9th Lecturers Convention at The Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium and Performance Hall. The event started from 10 AM to 5.30 PM it was divided into two sessions and was attended by Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani, three guest speakers; Prof. Dr. Ir. Ilah Sailah, Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardius Eko Indrajit, and DR. Ridwan Roy Tutupoho.

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR gave her speech for the lecturers

Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani MBA, MCIPR, APR gave her speech for the lecturers

The event was attended by all LSPR lecturers it aims to direct and introduce the lecturers on some new rules and the latest teaching system which will be applied to the new semester. So, they can gather and be prepared before the start of the new semester. Therefore, in this special event there were three speakers and three materials were presented to them.

the Plaque of Appreciation was given to all the speakers

the Plaque of Appreciation was given to all the speakers

Materials include Professional Education as a Human Resources Increased Acceleration delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ilah Sailah (KOPERTIS III Coordinator), Distance Education (Online): A 21st Century Education Innovation hosted by DR. Roy Tutupoho (Director of Learning Higher Education), as well as Online Education: Mechanisms and Benefits for Students and Lecturers by Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardius Eko Indrajit (technologists).

Performance by LSPR Senior Band

Performance by LSPR Senior Band

It’s not the usual sitting and listening to the material of the speakers, the event was wrapped in an interesting way by having a singing competition among lecturers, entitled D ‘Academy, where D stands for Dosen which means Lecturer in Bahasa Indonesia. The winner of that competition was 3 Diva’s: Ms Sylvia, Ms. Sophia, and Ms. Yunita. In addition, LSPR Senior Band also performed during the event. At the end of the event, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani officially announced that the new campus of LSPR that is “LSPR Jatiwarna” will be inaugurated in 2018.

All awardees of the Best Lecturers of LSPR - Jakarta in 2015-2016

All awardees of the Best Lecturers of LSPR – Jakarta in 2015-2016

As in the previous conventions, this 9th convention also gave appreciation to the lecturers at The LSPR “Lecturer Award”. Here are the Best Lecturers of LSPR – Jakarta in 2015-2016:

Campus A:

1. Best Fulltime Lecturer : Ms. Sylvia Roennfeld

2. Runner Up (RU) Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. Taufan Akbari

3. Best Expertise Lecturer : Mr. Harris P. Bah

4. RU Best Expertise Lecturer : Ms. Novrita Widyastuti


Campus B:

1. Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. Joe Harrianto

2. RU Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. Fadlin N. Ichwan

3. Best Expertise Lecturer : Mr. M. Firdaus

4. RU Best Expertise Lecturer : Ms. Yani Maemunah


Campus C:

1. Best Fulltime Lecturer : Ms. Yunita Permatasari

2. RU Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. Tunggul Siahaan

3. Best Expertise Lecturer : Pdt. Daniel Zacharias

4. RU Best Expertise Lecturer : Mr. Tommi Parnando



1. Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. DR. J.A.Wempi

2. RU Best Fulltime Lecturer : Mr. DR. Rino F. Boer

3. Best Expertise Lecturer : Mr. Nico Wattimena

4. RU Best Expertise Lecturer : Ms. Sriati Rusmin


Thesis Dept. Campus B&C:

1. Best Thesis Advisor Campus B: Ms. Dhita W.P.

2. RU Best Thesis Advisor Campus B: Mr. Gustav Aulia

3. Best Thesis Advisor Campus C:  Ms. Elke Alexandrina

4. RU Best Thesis Advisor Campus C: Mr. Rafiuddin Akil


Thesis Dept. PGP:

1. Best Thesis Advisor: Mr. Sri Tunggul P.

2. RU Best Thesis Advisor: DR. Rudi Sukandar

3. Best Expertise Thesis Advisor: Mr. Teguh Poeradisastra

4. RU Best Expertise Thesis Advisor: DR. Puspitasari


RESEARCH Category:

1. Best Researcher: Ms. Yolanda Stellarosa

2. RU Best Researcher: DR. Andre Ikhsano



1. Best Lecturer on Community Service: Ms. Gracia Paramitha

2. RU Best Lecturer on Community Service: Ms. Gracia Rachmi


Congratulations to all Best Lecturers of LSPR – Jakarta! (Aradhia, Aldo)