Semester break didn’t stop campus from having activities. Wednesday, 24th of February 2016 at 10:00 am, LSPR’s TV Studio in Media Center section was filled with students from various major. One obvious reason of coming to campus when they could have been somewhere else was to attend a film discussion with a professional in film industry, Rudi Soedjarwo. Having taken a break from the film industry for quite a while, the man had finally come back with his upcoming movie, ‘Stay with Me’. Unlike any other film he had ever created, this time he shared his love story to the film.

Rudi Soedjarwo with his cast, Natasha Ratulangi and Firman Subagja

Rudi Soedjarwo with his cast, Natasha Ratulangi and Firman Subagja

Rudi Soedjarwo wasn’t alone in this film discussion session; he was accompanied by two of his casts. Natasha Ratulangi as Key Hapsari and Firman Subagja as Firman Hermansyah came with him to share their experiences and stories of doing the film. As newcomers in film industry, both said it had been a great experience to work with such an amazing person as Mr. Rudi Soedjarwo. He had his ways in forming the best part of actors.

TV Studio was filled with all participants of the Film Discussion

TV Studio was filled with all participants of the Film Discussion

One of the audience asked a question

One of the audience asked a question

The film discussion was ended with photo session after running for two hours. Audiences’ enthusiasm was seen as they got involved in chances to ask Mr. Rudi Soedjarwo and the casts several questions. (Desta / Yolanda N)