Friday, 18 March 2016 LSPR Career Centre held its Joint Partnership Programme Signing Ceremony as well as launching of the new name of LSPR Career Centre into LSPR Careers & Employability Centre with PT Lion & Lion Digital Agency, Veranda Hotel, Jump Digital Agency, Redbox PT Missi Idea Selaras and Mobiliori Group. The event took place in the Studio TV Campus B LSPR- Jakarta.
The MOU signing was conducted by Ms. Candy Hernandez as Head of LSPR Careers & Employability Centre Then the event followed by the signing of the representatives of the companies concerned. PT Lion & Lion Digital Agency represented by Mr. Jakob Knutzen, Veranda Hotel was represented by Mr. Yuri Maulana, Jump Digital Agency represented by Mr. Ermiel Thabrani who is also as senior lecturer at LSPR Jakarta, Redbox PT Missi Idea Selaras represented by Mr. Wibowo, and Mobiliori Group represented by Mr. Erick Erawan. After the signing there was a plaque handover given by LSPR Jakarta. This first JPP-MOU in 2016 & launching of the new website for LSPR Careers & Employability Centre was closed by cutting tumpeng and group photo. (Aldo)