LSPR-Centre For ASEAN Public Relations Studies (CAPRS) held ASEAN Talks with the theme “ASEAN PR Competency from Academic and Practitioner Point of View” on Friday, 11 March 2016 at Prof Margono Research Centre Campus C STIKOM LSPR Jakarta. ASEAN Talks by LSPR CAPRS is the new series of Coffee Break with ASEAN which has successfully grabbed the awareness and held talkshows during 2015. This event was the first episode of other monthly activity held by CAPRS. Audience on this event consists of students and lecturers, as well as representative from Directorate General of ASEAN Coordination, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia.

Audiences of ASEAN Talks by LSPR CAPRS

Audiences of ASEAN Talks by LSPR CAPRS

ASEAN Talks by LSPR CAPRS was opened by a research presentation by Yuliana Riana P, MM (Head of CAPRS) who explained about “Understanding Big Data (ASEAN Data)”. This event invited two speakers, Sylvia Roennfeld, M.Si (LSPR Best Lecturer) who talked about PR competence from academic point of view and Fabian Prasetya, M.Si (Digital Manager L’oreal Indonesia) who discussed about PR competence from practitioner point of view.

This event was welcomed enthusiastically by the audience who happened to shout a couple questions to the speakers. ASEAN Talks by LSPR CAPRS was supported by ASEAN Public Relations Network (APRN), an association of public relations professionals in ASEAN region
