On April, 11th 2016, Mr & Ms LSPR held a mini concert entitled “Musik untuk Sahabat” in Canteen, Campus B, London School of Public Relations. This event was held to welcome an annual event “Mr & Ms LSPR” which just started the audition. Not only that, this event also become an opening for Awareness Week Fest these includes the following events such as; Environment Day, anti-drugs seminar, United in Dance Autism Awareness Concert, also campaign for AIDS and anti free sex.

Mr Daniel David and friends sang "Sama-Sama Tahu" by HiVi!

Mr Daniel David and friends sang “Sama-Sama Tahu” by HiVi!

During the concert, several representations from Mr & Ms LSPR took around into LSPR students which were still in the canteen to give a donation as their concern. The donation at the end will be given to Rumah Autis in Indonesia.

Ms Pier Paola and Ms Triarona Kusuma sang "For Good" by The Wicked

Ms Pier Paola and Ms Triarona Kusuma sang “For Good” by The Wicked

According to the theme “Musik untuk Sahabat”, 2 group bands, 2 vocal groups, and a duo from Mr & Ms LSPR presents 8 songs which have something in common about friendship, such as ; Welcome to My Life, Sahabat Sejati, Pengingat, etc. (Fany N / Tarrasch)