“There is a reason for people for using drugs. Whether to find tranquility (depressant), to be more excited (stimulant), or it could make hallucinations,” said Dr Iman Firmansyah as a Head Medical of Rehab Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) whose a speaker for a seminar anti addiction of smoking and drugs on Wednesday, April 13th 2016 at Media Center, Campus B, London School of Public Relations Jakarta. This event was a part of Awareness Week Festival which was held by Mr & Ms LSPR as an envoy of anti free sex, anti addiction of drugs and smoking, autism awareness and envoy for environment.

Special Performance from Mr & Ms LSPR 2015

Special Performance from Mr & Ms LSPR 2015

This event began with a song by Pierre Paola, a finalist of Ms LSPR 2015 and Daniel David, Mr Talent 2015. As Mr LSPR 2015, Bukie Mansyur also gave an opening speech as a utterance for the audiences who attended the seminar.

The Plaque of Appreciation was given to  Dr Iman Firmansyah as a Head Medical of Rehab Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN)

The Plaque of Appreciation was given to Dr Iman Firmansyah as a Head Medical of Rehab Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN)

In the seminar, Dr Iman Firmansyah as a speaker said that BNN is not for anti of drugs, nevertheless BNN is anti with the misuse of drugs. There are three steps that BNN did for a misuse of drugs. The first is a prevention, the second one is eradication which is arresting the user of drugs. If prevention and eradication could not be effected, then the last step is a rehabilitation. Mr Firmansyah also said that by following a seminar about misusage of drugs, at least did not use drugs. This whole seminar ended with question and answer between Mr Firmansyah and students of LSPR as an enthusiasm by following the event. (Fany N / Aldo)