June 7, 2016, The verifier from Northumbria University Dr. Lee Barron conducted the screening and verification for the Northumbria International Examinations Short Film Productions at LSPR TV Studio, together with the subject coordinator for the subject TV, Film & Video Productions 2 from LSPR Ms. Candy Hernandez, Dr. Lee Barron previewed the Top 10 Finalist for the Short Film Production from Batch 17 Mass Communication students. It is one of the International Examination for The Department of Mass Communication students every even semester at LSPR.

Dr. Lee Barron announce the best short film production

Dr. Lee Barron announce the best short film production

Top 10 finalists were Jauh Panah, One Fine Day, Copy Cat, SHE, Jikalau, IBU, Victims of War, Behind it All, ZEE, dan Kuncir Kuda. Dr. Lee Barron it was his 8th year doing the screening and verification of the films produced by LSPR students and each year he is always very enthusiastic in watching every film produced by the students from Mass Communication.

Dr. Lee Barron, has chosen and announced this year’s winners for the Best Short Film Production:

"ZEE" from MC 17-4B

“ZEE” from MC 17-4B

2nd Runner Up is “ZEE” MC 17-4B from the class of Ms. Candy Hernandez

Sabrina Nuraini

Rizky Dwi Cahya

Aska Denia

Muhammad Dyas

Fanny Feriska

Bernard Leonardo

"CopyCat" from MC 17-3B

“CopyCat” from MC 17-3B

1st Runner Up is “Copy Cat” MC 17-3B from the class of Mr. Andrew Triggs






Cindy Junliana

"Behind It All" from MC 17-4B

“Behind It All” from MC 17-4B

Best Short Film is “Behind It All” MC 17-4B from the class of Ms. Candy Hernandez


Shabrina Ayu

Arsha Safira

Anisa Alifha

Inneke Precilliya


Congratulations to all the Winners! (Sabrina)