On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, LSPR Careers & Employability Centre signed the MOU with PT Budi Dharma Dibyaraga. The MOU signing was implemented at Jl. Cikatomas II No. 24-26, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
From the PT Budi Dharma Dibyaraga was represented by Ms. Agnes Lourda Hutagalung as the Founder & Director of PT Budi Dharma Dibyaraga, while from LSPR Careers & Employability Centre represented by Ms. Candy Hernandez as Head of LSPR Careers & Employability Centre. Through this cooperation, LSPR will reach the industries needs about Human Resources either for internship or employment.
The plaque of appreciation was given to Billy Ching COO Indonesia and Victor Chin, CEO of Singapore, Indonesia & Philippines
LSPR – Jakarta also held Joint Partnership Programme MOU Signing Ceremony with WebTV Asia International together with Billy Ching COO Indonesia and Victor Chin, CEO of Singapore, Indonesia & Philippines at Trocadero, Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, LSPR – Jakarta