LSPR Jakarta bids farewell to its 26 students chosen to be part of the student exchange programme for 1 Semester. They will be spread throughout 12 Universities from 7 different countries such as Denmark, Russia, Germany, Malaysia, South Korea, United Kingdom, and Netherlands. All of them will be LSPR and Indonesia’s Ambassador to introduce the culture and the highest quality of students from Indonesia. Remember to participate and gather with all the fellows at the Indonesian Union Associations. It’s a great pleasure to see LSPR competes in the International Scale.
Soar High LSPR! Kudos Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani You will always be our inspiration, the Captain Ball in our works for this nation through the platform for a much better quality education for Indonesia.
Be Thankful to Your Parent
Be careful & Take Good Care of Yourself
Be The Best You Can
Be Friendly & Helpful to Others
Be Accessible
Be Thankful To God
Be Good at All Times” – Mrs. PKG (Founder & Director LSPR Lspr Jakarta)
Congratulations LSPR!