On Friday, 5th August 2016, LSBA with Ms. Nefrijanti, a trainer for independence of special needs children, held a training and workshop for teachers in Jakarta. The training was held at Room 12, Campus C, LSPR Jakarta.
Ms. Nefrijanti explained the types of special needs children and ways to handle them, this is also done in the form of discussion between the teachers on their teaching experience. She also explained that understanding the condition of a special needs child is not enough, the teachers should also understand the condition and state of mind of the parents.
She said, the mentality of a special needs parent can be divided into five, which is called DABDA: Denial, Anger, Beginning, Depression and Acceptance. The teachers are expected to be able to make a filing of their special needs student, as this will show valid evidence and thorough data of the student’s response and activity throughout studying in school, this will help the parents understand the condition of their child and find the solution to any problem the child is having while studying at school.
Ms. Nefrijanti also explained that communication is an important role throughout the process of teaching special needs students and as well as when counseling the parents, thorough explanation is needed so there is no misunderstanding on what’s happening in classes. With an understanding of the types of special needs children, steps to identify and understanding the parent’s perspective, teachers are expected to have a deep understanding of special needs children in hopes that this will help them make the best curriculum for their special needs students. (Nabila)