Eskapisme, Sabotase, and Ranai were the three short films shown at the LSPRTV Premiere Screening, Saturday 27th October 2016 in Auditorium Prof. Djayusman LSPR Campus B which started at 6 PM, the guest speakers who attended were Servo Caesar Prayoga from WebTv Asia, Tiara Dianita, Yolanda Cendrakasih, and Agung Juna from SusahTidurTV.
The casts of "Sabotase" being interviewed by the MCs

The casts of “Sabotase” being interviewed by the MCs

The first film shown to the audience was Eskapisme, this film tells a story about a man who has a crush on a woman. This movie took a very short time from the first shooting until the editing process, which only took 6 days. It was a light and appealing film to open that nice evening. The second film was Sabotase, which was directed by Yolanda Cendrakasih, it tells us a story about a girl with hemophobia or afraid of blood, who tried to avenge those who bullied her. If Eskapisme only took 6 days to finish, Sabotase took the longest, it took 6 months to finish the film, which also became the reason why this is an anticipating film for the audience. This film could make your heart race and grit your teeth. The last film was, Ranai, it is about a kindergarten teacher who had a neighbor that contained an abusive mother with her child. This film is the last film from Tiara Dianita as a part of LSPRTV, she hopes that the current members and the new members of LSPRTV can continue the work and make Premiere LSPRTV known not only in LSPR, but also in public. This film will give you horror and push you to the edge of your seat due to the scene and sound effects that could gives you chill down your spine.
Both casts of "Ranai" shared their experience when shooting the short movie

Both casts of “Ranai” shared their experience when shooting the short movie

After the screening, there was a movie discussion with the guest speakers. Servo Prayoga commented, “The three films had really good spirit, the crew and cast especially the directors are bold and brave to learn and practice what they learnt in filmmaking into these short films, and it turns out to be surprisingly good. In addition, Ranai, with a really fast pace and good editing process”. All of the directors, Yolanda Cendrakasih, Tiara Dianita, and Agung Juna, agreed that success is all about the crew and cast, if they feel happy, then the directors and producers will feel the same way, success is also about we love what we do and produce, even the result is not as we planned it or how many audience that will come and watch the screening.
Left to right: Servo Prayoga, Tiara Danita, Yolanda Cenderakasih, and Agung Juna sharing their experience tin teir respective areas.

Left to right: Servo Prayoga, Tiara Danita, Yolanda Cenderakasih, and Agung Juna sharing their experiences in their respective areas.

The event closed with tips from Servo Prayoga on how to be successful as an entertainer or Youtuber, “the key is to do it regularly, make a video or try to upload your videos regularly, maybe once a week or twice a week, it will help you to learn to make a better videos and become your portfolio to attract investor and sponsors who want to fund you. And try to produce a video about things that you like, fashion or even opening things, that’s unique to your audience,” said Servo Prayoga.