Saturday, November 19 2016, Vocational Education Administration Program of University of Indonesia (UI) held a closing ceremony for ADM Fair ’16 in Parking Lot of Vocational Program. ADM Fair ’16 is a series of activities done by several departments namely; Careers Department, the Department of Arts and Culture, Sports Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Department of Career Development. This activity is also a work program which attempted to show all aspects of element of administration capabilities in such work.
Theme for this year was ‘Bakti Kami Untuk Negeri’ and presented the concept of Charity. The definition of these themes was all students of Vocational Administration UI, became a place for the entire society where Indonesian youngsters who have a social life, sportmanship and creativity and a high sense of empathy towards fellow human beings, gather together. Donations collected by ADM Fair ’16 UI was given to a social community called Kandank Jurank. ADM activities UI Fair ’16 had started since last August with a series of events, namely; ADM Olympic Games Fair 2016, Social Service, and Career Day.
The closure of ADM Fair that starts from three o’clock, featuring internal bands f4om Vokasi UI, HIM PARIS, and Bluband which is a band from HIM ADM. In addition to that, the closing of the Fair ADM also announced the winners for Champions League Basketball ADM, futsal, volleyball, and badminton, as well as donors to Kandank oenyerahan Jurank. Not only the internal bands, but there were also guest appearances by Kandara, HAMBA ALLAH, and Thirteen. (Fakhira/Shailla)