The 11th performance from class 20-13A on 25th January 2017. All About Jannet by Dustin Bowcott performance. The story is about Janet who has been married with her husband for over 15 years, but for the last 6 years things have changed because of her husband’s illness. He suffered severe arthritis and that changed Janet to be a totally a different person. Janet thinks that the only reason to live in this world, is because of her husband. She cares too much about him and less to herself.

Donald and Desdemona was arguing about who who is suitable to accompany Jeannette

Donald and Desdemona was arguing about who is suitable to accompany Jeannette

Until one day, when she called Donald, her co-worker to come by to her place with an intention to share her problems with him, everything went wrong. Donald tried to rape her but Desdemona was passing through, and realized what’s happening.

Desdemona helped Jeanette in a way that nobody would have ever thought, and she was threatened to be killed also by Desdemona

Desdemona helped Jeanette in a way that nobody would have ever thought, and she was threatened to be killed also by Desdemona

He immediately rushed and helped Jannet to escape from Donald. As time went by, Jannet got to know Desdemona, and they became close. After Desdemona heard about what happened to Jannet for the last 6 years, he received Janet’s trust to help her on continuing her tough life. However, Desdemona helped Jannet in a way that nobody could ever thought of.

Class 20-13A and their lecturer Mr. Khiva Rayanka present All About Janette

Class 20-13A and their lecturer Mr. Khiva Rayanka present All About Janette

There was also Mr Khivaka Rayanka which is the lecture of this class with his asst. lecture Mrs Karina Indah. The performance was good so far and the audience seemed to enjoy the performance from class 20-13A. (Fakhira/Tiara)